Tip #1: Learn what makes a team effective.
(Hint: Reading this book is a great start!)
Currently, many team interventions rely on incomplete approaches to supporting a team, and they use methods that ‘feel good but may not do good’. In fact, some research indicates that despite being fun, most team-building events offer a minimal Return on Investment (ROI) (Wageman et al., 2008). Many team interventions are based on face validity, not solid knowledge about what actually creates team effectiveness and long-term changes in performance. It is important for team leaders, coaches, and facilitators to educate themselves on team effectiveness, group process, and team coaching research so that their approaches can be as effective and productive as possible.
The High Performance Team Coaching System (Carr and Peters, 2013) provides an overview of what leaders and coaches can do to support their teams to be highly effective at the most important times in any team’s natural cycle, namely new beginnings, mid-points and endings.